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How bad is 5G for our body?

As technology is entering into an avenue that is extremely ahead of its game, people get more comfortable and are able to do things easily. With 5G coming into place in many countries, the government and other institutions are giving people hope and advice of the high positivity of the development. But when we consider the real-time researches, we see a whole different story. As we all know, 5G is an extremely advanced wireless technology that is about to change the way people communicate with others. Everything is linked to the internet and it not only brings great scope for development, but along with that it also brings a huge issue. With the benefits, there are many other harmful effects of 5g.

How does it affect you?

Basically, the frequency and radiation that is emitted causes huge health issues in people and also are not good for any other living organism. They promise better connectivity, streaming, browsing, download, and much more that make it a feasible method to create an increasingly tech-reliant world. In the reports, there are high links to dementia, pregnancy, and a huge effect on children as well due to the harmful effects of 5g.

Small children are more vulnerable to get affected through this as their nervous system and other parts are still developing. WaveRider is one of the best solutions for changing this as it acts as a shield to reduce the effects. Let us see the benefits of the same;

  • These are tested in independent labs.
  • Creates an EMR protected sanctuary.
  • Reduces Specific Absorption Rate.
  • It is also a U.S patented technology.

Through this medium, people can be safe and can do some precautionary measures to minimize the effect. Along with this, it is also important to keep the gadgets at a distance when not in use. To know more, visit the website and get in touch with the team to get a device for your home or office.