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Benefits of Using LED Walls

LED walls are now becoming a new standard bearer when it comes to outdoor display. The bright image displays & ease of use has made them the most attractive choice for a lot of different settings: billboards, store signage, or other advertising, stage shows, destination signs, wall displays, and much more. As they are becoming quite widespread, cost of renting and owning them gets declined. Thus, you must find the best and professional led wall rental provider singapore.

Provides Superior Brightness

The top reason that LED walls have become one popular option is the brightness. When compared with the projectors, the LED walls emit much brighter light like it’s measured in NIT, whereas projectors will be measured in LUX, so with a single NIT unit is equivalent to over 3.426 lux.

led wall rental provider singapore

Here are some benefits of the LED walls in brightness:

  • Vivid images will be produced by the LED walls since they generate own brightness.
  • LED walls will maintain similar level of brightness with time.
  • LED walls provide good contrasts in displaying the deeply saturated colors.
  • Under the ambient lighting, visibility of the images from the LED walls isn’t affected.
  • Even with the minimum brightness, the LED walls are quite efficient.

Setup & Arrangement

The LED displays are simple to setup than the projector display, so they turn on quickly. The projectors are restricted in where and how they are used. You need to have a big screen & unimpeded space between screen & projector. This projector needs to get mounted high and in back of your room and display area, and needs to be rightly connected to the video source.

Anything getting in your way –like low-hanging light fixtures and ceilings –will become one big obstacle. You may project on the blank wall; however this can reduce its image quality. But, you will have to get the quality screen that will accompany the projector.